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Disclaimer and CopyrightsThis is not an official homepage. The author can not be held responsible for errors in the text, or elsewhere. The author can not be held responsible for any software, hardware or other problems caused by this homepage. No rights can be obtained from these pages. Any technical information found on this site is provided for guidance only. No responsibility can or will be accepted for loss or damage arising from following such information. If in any doubt, please refer to your local Citroën specialist or dealer before undertaking any work. Images found in this site may come from a variety of sources, both private and commercial. No infringement of copyright is intended. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact me. This is a non profit site, the only purpose is to promote the Citroën GS and GSA, no money is made through this site. © W.M. Kemmink 1995-2000.If you came from the first page, click here to return to the normal site path. If forgot to mention anyone, sorry, please let me know!
1995-2000 |
I like to receive e-mail, therefor you are welcome to send me any message for any comments, ideas, questions or additions! I also welcome any contribution! mattysk@dds.nl |