citroen gsa

go to the start page Start page  go to the references menu References 
addresses of clubs, garages, etc.
buyersguide for the Citroën GS and GSA
workshop manuals regarding the Citroën GS and GSA
cartests and articles about the Citroën GS and GSA
some technical tips about the Citroën GS and GSA
the Citroën GS/GSA mailinglist provided by the Citroën Connection
view a list of all publications on the Citroën GS and GSA


At this references page you find all kinds of information, that will help learning more about the GS and GSA. Again, if you have anything to add, that isn't listed, please tell me about it.

'Addresses' lists the addresses of all GS and GSA clubs in Europe. Also listed are the addresses of specialised garages and some parts addresses.

'Manuals' shows you the manuals which exist of the GS and GSA, details and pictures are included.

'Car tests' will give a list of all tests that appeared in the various magazines. You can read some tests entirely.

'Technical info' will give some basic information on things like the suspension system and minor reparations.

'Mailinglist' tells all about the free mailinglist on the GS/GSA, provided by the Citroën Connection. A powerfull resource.

'Publlications' lists all publications which ever appeared on the GS and GSA and that I know off. Includes articles, tests, workshop manuals, books, etc.

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© W.M.Kemmink

I like to receive e-mail, therefor you are welcome to send me any message for any comments, ideas, questions or additions! I also welcome any contribution!